Monitor KFC CK-1420 (KUOTIANG)

  • After repairing this monitor (power sup dead) and switching it on ,all is OK .The image is quite normal until windows is completely started, then a double picture is shown (smaller but perfectly synced) complete with two mice pointers and everything working.Please refer to attached picture.The same happens with windows XP professional.I do not have a schematic.Could this problem be a graphic card problem? Never seen this problem before

  • Double Posting . Look here

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o00o_ _ _//(´°`O´°`)\\_ _ _o00o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Ein Transistor , geschützt durch eine Sicherung , wird diese Sicherung schützen indem er zuerst durchbrennt . ( Murphy )

    Ich bin nicht der schnellste , wenn andere hinfallen liege ich schon . :(

    Quis leget haec ? ?(

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