EMON> Welcome to DTV $Revision: 2 $ $Date: 2/26/04 11:47a $ Befor check serial port Ş˙˙˙QAfter check serial port Application_Initialize | Compiled on May 21 2005, 13:07:59 | &__ghsbegin_vsdram_main_pool_start = 803df340 &__ghsbegin_vsdram_main_pool_end = 80730000 size = d4330 End of Application_Initialize Load system software in flash mem is 803fdf28 finished uncomp size is 1735920 Entry point=800001a0 shnum=23 Welcome to DTV $Revision: 2.01 $ $Date: Mar/14/05 10:30 $ Application_Initialize | Compiled on Jun 7 2005, 13:11:58 | End of Application_Initialize